

My Curriculum

Ester Pavlic

Ester Pavlic was born in Trieste, and lives in Gorizia. She started studying harp with Tatiana Donis, committing herself at the same time to studying singing with soprano Erika Baechi. In 2011 she graduated with full marks in harp with Professor Patrizia Tassini, having attended the two-year second level harp academic experimental course. In 2015 she obtained a degree with full marks and honors in bel canto with Professor Domenico Balzani at the end of the two-year second level singing academic experimental course from the Conservatoire “J. Tomadini” in Udine. Ester has been performing in many concerts both as a soloist and as part of various chamber music ensembles.

As a harpist Ester attended advanced courses under the tutoring of internationally renowned harpists, like Anna Loro, Elisabeth Fontan-Binoche, Willy Postma, Xavier De Maistre, Park Stickney. She attended a seminar in Suzuki Harp Method with Professor Gabriella Bosio at the Conservatoire “Cesare Pollini” in Padova.


In 2011 she passed the qualifying selection for the Orchestra Giovanile Italiana of Fiesole.

From 2011 to 2015 she contributed to the ensamble “Ventaglio d’arpe”, conducted by Professor Patrizia Tassini; with this ensemble she recorded two CDs.


In 2012 she released the CD “Anywhere in the world”. Ester performs regularly with flutist Serena Michelin and guitar player Ivan Semenzato. She has been working as a music teacher in many schools in the regions Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto. In her teaching profession she has tutored many successful students in various Italian and international chamber music competitions. In 2012 Ester has given rise to the harp ensemble “Rainbow of Magic Harps”, with some of her pupils, with whom she performs in concerts, both in Italy and abroad. She’s become very interested and involved in Preparatory Music activities. She holds Preparatory Music courses for children from 6 months to 6 years old.

2018 – 2020

In 2018 and in 2019 Ester attended Music Pedagogy workshops held by Óscar Vila, Rubén Vila and Alba Vila, at the Fondazione Musicale Santa Cecilia in Portogruaro. Since 2019 she’s been cooperating with ERT, developing the pilot project “L’arpa giramondo” (The World Wanderer Harp), targeted at preschools (kindergartens) children of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

She was a Jury Member of the 1st and 2nd International Music Competition “Giovani Talenti – Città di Gorizia”, and of the 3rd and 4th International Guitar Competition “Bale – Valle Live Guitar”, in Croatia.


As a singer she specialized with mezzo-soprano Luciana d’Intino and since 2016 has been studying singing with soprano Alessandra Gavazzeni. As a choir singer Ester took part in the “Requiem Mass” by Giuseppe Verdi, performed under the direction of Maestro Riccardo Muti in Ravenna, at the First World War Memorial in Redipuglia and in Lubiana. She performed in a trio with clarinettist Leonardo Franz and pianist Dario Carpanese, in concerts held during the “Medulin concert summer” (Croatia), the “Estate in città” Music festival in Pordenone and the “Lignano per la musica” Music Festival in Lignano. In 2017-2018 Ester collaborated with Maestro Roberto Brandolisio in a series of concerts for organ, harp and singing.

Further Studies

In 2016 Ester obtained a degree with full marks in Music Therapy from “Pro Civitate Christiana” in Assisi. In 2018 she achieved the 1st level Master degree in Music Theraby from Pavia State University, after discussing her graduation dissertation on “Individualized Listening in Dementia”. In autumn 2018 she obtained a postgraduate diploma in Music Therapy and Neurology from Ferrara State University.